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Modified 15-Feb-10
Created 14-Feb-10
27 photos

Brick Church Music Series
February 12, 2010

'A Special Evening of Jazz'

The Chris Peterman Quintet
with special opener
Sean Harkness

An evening of jazz and the fifth concert in the Brick Church Music Series for '09 - '10.

The remarkable guitarist and Windham Hill recording artist Sean Harkness warmed up the show to a rave response. Sean and Chris are friends from grade school and shared the stage for several numbers. Then the Chris Peterman Quintet, fresh back from an international tour, took the stage for an evening of extraordinary contemporary jazz. During the breaks, there was an art show featuring the magical works of Ellie Morency, inspired by her travels in Africa and Central America.

The photos in this gallery are only a sampling --additional photos of these performers can be found in the performers' galleries (go to 'Bands and Performing Artists').
The Brick Church Music Series is back for 2009-2010 with an extraordinary lineup running from October through April. All concerts are held at the Old Brick Church in Williston village at 7pm. Doors open, seating, concession sales and an art show begin at 6pm. Each concert benefits a different community nonprofit or charitable organization. For most concerts, tickets are $8 for adults, children and seniors are $5 This year, children under 6 are free. Tickets are available at the Williston Town Hall now and hopefully will available at the door for most concerts. Series tickets are still available (originally $50 for adults, $40 seniors/kids, with pro-rated discounts applied as the season progresses). Series tickets will ensure admission at all concerts - these are also available at the town hall.

For more information about the rest of the series, go to our website:

Thank you for supporting the arts!

[email protected]