Modified 23-May-20
Created 27-Oct-09
0 photos

The New Boston Duo

Performance at the Old Brick Church
Williston, Vermont

October 16, 2009

Photos in this gallery include both rehearsal and performance photos, and for the time being I will keep this gallery accessible only by password (since files can be downloaded).

There is also a collection entitled 'Brick Church Music Series' with a separate gallery for the 10/16 concert, where the performance photos of both The New Boston Duo and Alturas Duo are available for public viewing. Please direct friends, family, and others to that gallery for public viewing (rather than giving out the password to this gallery). They can also order prints at cost (only processing and mailing costs, or about $2 for an 8x10) from that public gallery; likewise prints can be ordered directly from this gallery if you prefer.

The digital negatives in this gallery can be downloaded directly from this gallery (the digital watermark does not appear on prints or downloaded originals). Click a thumbnail to open a larger version of the photo; on that larger version, mouse to the upper LH corner and a menu will open--one option will be 'download original'.

Please don't sell or transmit the digital negatives, and I ask that if you want them edited, let me do it for you (gratis). Just leave a note in the comment bar at the bottom of the photo--I'll get the message, make the edit, and upload a fixed version to this gallery and let you know when that's done. I'm happy to adjust color, contrast, re-crop, vignette, or whatever. Just let me do this myself--I've had bad experiences with others making edits, then attributing the final (horrifying) version to me (not that you'd do that). . thanks.

Feel free to use these on a courtesy basis however they can be helpful to you, including commercial promotion, CD art, website, whatever. . ..I appreciate attribution where possible ("David Yandell").

Great concert guys, thank you very much. You are really wonderful. Hope to see you again some time.
Dave Yandell

[email protected]
[email protected]
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