CVU Winter Ball January 23, 2010 The best way to view these is to use the 'Slideshow' button in the upper RH corner.
For those who are interested, you can order prints directly from this site, at cost (mailing and processing only). Click on the thumbnail of the photo you want to open a larger size photo; on that larger photo mouse to the upper LH corner and a menu will open, and 'add to cart'. Pay attention when it asks you to approve crops. Many of these are already cropped to fit a particular size paper.
Because these are publicly accessible I have passworded the photos for downloading. Winter Ball - goers and their families are welcome to download the high-res original photos. Follow the instructions for prints, but instead of 'Add to Cart' click 'Download original'. I will email the password separately--so if you havent already heard from me, it might mean I dont have your email address. Mine is below--please get in touch if you need help with downloading or need the password.
I'd be happy to do additional crops or whatever--you can leave a comment on the photo itself (Comment bar at the bottom) and I'll make the fix and upload the edited photo. I've cropped out individual portraits/head shots of a few of the kids, but it would be very easy to do the rest.
Feel free to share the link to the photos with families and friends--use the 'Share' button in the upper RH corner; but please dont share the password. Ball-goers can post these on Facebook or Tweet them also using the 'Share' link.
Sorry the lighting was funny on a couple of the portraits. .. I was desperately trying to avoid the chandelier and other background distractions by keeping the background dark but it didnt work terribly well. By the time I did the last set, of Wil and Randi, I got it a little better .. . oh well.
[email protected]
© Dave Yandell Photography